What's the difference between PC100 SDRAM and PC133 SDRAM? I thought I heard somewhere that PC133 is faster so that is what I am thinking I want to get but I don't know if it will work with my Key Lime iBook (it's 466MHz and I am upgrading it to 576 MB RAM, but I need to know which module to get). Unless you increase the bus speed of your computer, the difference in speed of processing may be minimal or non-existant. I've never clocked an upgrade. Maybe some of those here can say that they have. If you aren't sure about it, go back to the specification in the Apple archives. Check the manual to see if it is there. Also, I would do a little research on Low End Mac to see if there is any information about the memory types available. I'm no memory expert. Most of the older PCs that I have been dealing with have been PC-100. I have yet to see a PC-133 machine. I'd confirm the standard bus speed before I would expend the extra funds to purchase PC-133. David