The recent thread about importing digitals into iMovie reawakened a few neurons and I remembered two ways to do this that don't require more software. Drag the jpegs into iPhoto and select them. Select the menu item File:Export and select Quicktime to make a movie from the selected stills. Set whatever options you prefer. The movie you create can be inserted into iMovie. Open Quicktime PRO, that's the version you pay $29 for a password. Select File:Open Image Sequence and select a folder of images and ONE of those images. Then click Open and the entire folder of still images will be made into a movie. Chose xx seconds per frame for the stills. The frames will be the size of your jpeg so you might want to reduce the size in advance using a graphics prg. Of course you're back in iMovie again with the same problem we started with... :) Again, resizing your jpegs to 720x480 might help or whatever the actual size should be.