I posted about a week ago with problems involving internet and email connections after waking from sleep. Thanks to all those who had suggestions or help...I hadn't checked if the battery or clock functions in the menu bar were updated during those times when I experienced these problems and I have had issues with both of these things taking their time to update after sleep...has anyone with similar problems tried relaunching finder (force quit) or other ways of speeding things up after waking from sleep without having to logout or reboot? Does anyone know what processes are followed after waking up? Assuming the 'Book writes the RAM contents to disk before going to sleep to protect them (correct me if I'm wrong) would never allowing the HD to sleep in System Prefs Energy Saver be a remedy against cranky waking habits and therefore my internet problems? I will obviously try these things but appreciate any thoughts from the community... Pat, as you mention a cranky waking procedure as well, do you put your HD to sleep in Energy Saver settings? Have you tried changing these settings already? TIA, Richard --