[P1] MAJOR crash - help with fixing iCal and iChat

Pam Sorooshian pamsoroosh at earthlink.net
Fri Feb 7 12:33:36 PST 2003

Okay - got rid of my iChat preferences and fooled around a bit and now 
iChat seems to be working.

Any ideas on getting my calendar working?


On Friday, February 7, 2003, at 08:18 AM, Pam Sorooshian wrote:

> I got my iBook on December 17th and it totally crashed (frozen blue 
> screen on startup) last Monday just after I did a software update 
> (downloaded iMovie upgrade). Running OS 10.2.3, 800 Mhz. I'd owned the 
> computer for 49 days.
> Took it to Apple Store --- spent about 5 hours in there - they tried a 
> bunch of things - ended up trying to reinstall OS X but that would 
> just crash to a blue screen in the middle of the installation.
> I left it there - they were able to "recover" my hard drive (I had to 
> pay $50 for a data transfer). I picked it up last night and they'd 
> managed to reinstall OS X. I couldn't find out from them what had 
> happened - all they would say was that the hard drive must have been 
> very corrupted.
> I was able to get my photos into the iPhoto library and have burned 
> them onto a cd.
> I was able to get my music back into iTunes.
> I cannot get my extensive calendar information back into iCal and the 
> apple store geniuses were not able to do that either - just could not 
> figure out how, even though the calendars seem to be in my archives 
> and we tried to import them - looks like it is working, but no 
> calendar information appears.
> The WORST result is that iChat doesn't work. I can see my buddy list, 
> it appears to be working - shows who is available, etc. People can IM 
> me and I can receive their IMs. But I cannot type into the send box 
> and so cannot send IMs to anybody. I thought maybe this would be 
> magically corrected if I redid the OS X update to 10.2.3 - so I did 
> that - but it didn't work.
> Ideas to get my calendar info into iCal or to get iChat working?
> -pam
> On Friday, February 7, 2003, at 06:34 AM, Small Moose Ltd wrote:
>> Hi Gorjan,
>> Yes, I have also had this happen to me many times. What version of 
>> the Mac
>> Os are you using? I used to use Mac OS9.0.4
>> I have since upgraded to Mac OS9.1 and have felt it to be a definite
>> improvement. It's far more stable, reliable, and I haven't 
>> experienced this
>> problem with it yet.
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> Pam Sorooshian
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Pam Sorooshian
The National Home Education Network
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