Romain Kang on 2/13/03 8:40 PM wrote: > > Just thought I would share my experience. Last night I installed OS10.2.4, the latest Safari (still beta of course) and the latest iMovie at around 8pm Eastern. Did it via AirPort during a local Apple MUG meeting ( here in Indy. The presentation was a bit slow so I launched Software Update to see if I was in need of any updates and was surprised to see OS10.2.4. The main reason for doing it while at the meeting was because I knew the school we were at has very fast broad band (a T3 I believe). Plus if anything went wrong, I was surrounded by OSX fanatics who could help me out :^) Even with a around 130MB worth of data, everything was downloaded and installed in about 20-25 minutes. No doubt installing everything at the same time wasn't the smartest thing to do but I'm still naive enough to think that Apple made the Software Updater intelligent enough to know what should be installed and in what order. I'm very happy to report that everything went exceptionally well and I've not had any issues crop up yet. -Mark