[P1] New Jag & Printer driver

Ally Maddox almenter at madisontelco.com
Sun Feb 16 18:34:31 PST 2003

Hi William, Actually, my first/previous mac was an LCIII. That was a 
long time ago!! But even when I had the first 10.1.5 installed on my 
ibook, it didn't ask if I was SURE I wanted to shut down. Is there some 
way to stop that from happening?

William L Carr wrote:

> On Sunday, February 16, 2003, at 12:19  AM, Ally Maddox wrote:
>> And now that I have Jag, it 
>> also has the gall to ask if I'm sure I want to shut down. Macs never 
>> did that before. PC's always ask you to verify if you want to shut 
>> down, but until this install, I had never heard of such a thing on a 
>> Mac. What an insult. You hit the shut down or restart button and it 
>> asks you if you really mean it, or are you so stupid that you hit the 
>> button by accident.
> No, sorry, verifying before Shutdown has ALWAYS been there in OS 9,8,7,6....
> As far as being stupid enough to hit the wrong button...before the USB 
> revolution Mac keyboards were scarce.  And I bought TWO different models 
> that have the Power Key right there next to the Shift Key, instead of 
> the upper right of the keyboard where God and Apple intended it to be.  
> I even called the company to complain.   I trained myself to be more 
> careful but still hit it occasionally.
> So, no, I think Verify before Shutdown is a GOOD thing.   As for 
> updates, welcome to the world of huge downloads and slow phone lines.   
> Updating isn't mandatory, you know.   Jag works fine without updating.

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