I just did my first presentation directly from Keynote. Overall, it worked well, using an iBook 600 MHz, and projector. I am running OS X 10.2.4, and have 384 MB of memory. The one problem was that there was "tearing" of the display on the projector during some fancy transitions. After the presentation, I tried playing with the display parameters to see if that helped. I had heard that changing the refresh rate to 60 Hz might help. It made things better, but did not resolve the issue. I tried the "Present on alternate display" option, but that seemed not to do anything. Does saving as Quicktime and presenting from Quicktime resolve the jerky/torn graphic problem? Or just the crash during display issue, which I believe has been resolved if you have OS X 10.2.4 (http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=61858). Thanks, David Linker