[P1] Program just closes????

Kim Gammelg å rd kim.gammelgaard at get2net.dk
Sat Feb 22 18:36:35 PST 2003

I had the same problem with Safari the other day after I played a round of
Ghost Recon. Safari could launch, but would crash every time I tried to load
a page. I have no default start page, so I can open Safari before I let it
do anything on the net. Safari seems to be very fragile, so I decided to try
kill and launch configd, as an educated guess.

It worked, but it could have been wrong, and you have to know your Terminal
pretty well before you do that, but don't worry, there is hardly anything

Sometimes it helps deleting the preference file of the App, and sometimes a
logout/login will do it too. You can have a look in your
Home/Library/Log/Crashreporter directory and see if anything broke at that
time, but I guess it is just a thing that happened and there is too little
gained by the hassle it is to find the culprit, as I hope it is not every
week you see the error.



On 23/02/03 0:02, "Pat D. Stephens" <patdart at cox-internet.com> wrote:

> I just did a full restart after a program kept closing or disappearing
> on launch.  It did it about 5 times, so I did a reboot and now it
> opens.  Any thoughts about what could have caused that?  Is anything
> wrong?
> Pat

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