>>I agree. I'm so disappointed in the "ice" design. Apple went from >>innovative >>and artistic to caving in to the business world and getting traditional >>instead of eye catching. The fruit flavors are gone, everything is brushed >>metal, etc... >> >>I think they were on to something and could have "captured the >>world" (so to >>speak) with their clamshell ibooks. I personally would love to have seen >>them continue with larger hard drives, faster processors, and more screen >>resolutions. A real let down this year was discovering that iMovie 3 will >>not run on the clamshells due to their screen resolution being limited to >>840. >> >>I will say that Apple stayed true to their artistic insights with the lamp >>style iMac - very cool. But their laptops have gone to poop (IMO). >> >>Kathy I have to disagree with you on this. I have a 600Mhz iceBook and I love it. It may not stick out in a crowd like a sore thumb like the clamshells do, but it definitely stands out from the rest. First of all, it looks sweet. Beautiful glazed snow white look, glowing apple logo, it definitely turns heads. As a tech guy for a school, I support many PC laptops and have had many of my own. Nothing pretty about them. Black, bulky, clunky, etc. Nothing innovative from one to the next. When I take out my iBook in public, people notice and say: "Oh, I like that..." I've compared design elements of the iBook and my Dell Inspiron, that I'm about to sell because I don't use it anymore. It's only a year old and I'm already sick of it. You can tell that some innovative design went into the iBook. The hinge is very cool. The latch is amazingly innovative. You don't even see a latch until you begin to close the lid, a magnet near the touch pad pulls the latch out and voila! The Dell just has a big black hook on the top of the screen and a big hole by the touch pad. Doesn't look like much thought went into it. The Dell has huge honkin' fans in the back that sound like an airplane. Obviously, the iBook does not. My 12 inch iBook is 3/4 the size and weight of my 12 inch Dell. I think Apple should be commended on continuing to innovate. I guarantee that if you pull an iBook out in a Coffee shop or board meeting, even the PC using drones will be forced to admit that you clearly have the coolest looking machine in the room. -Brian