[P1] Adding new ciryllic keyboard layout

Per Brodersen per.brodersen at berlin.de
Fri Feb 28 23:23:01 PST 2003

Ich hatte am 1.3.2003 2:26 Uhr eine Nachricht von iBook List unter
<ibook at lists.themacintoshguy.com> erhalten, in der es hieß:

> Subject: [P1] Adding new ciryllic keyboard layout
> From: Gorjan Todorovski <gorjant at mac.com>
> Message-Id: <3983D7F0-4B17-11D7-AE6D-000393D61D94 at mac.com>
> Hi,
> Does anybody knows if I can add another keyboard layout that is not
> provided in the 'Input Menu'. I want to add Macedonian Cyrillic.
> Thanx.

do a search for "cyrillix" at versiontracker.com. I found this program great
for my needs (Russian Keyboards of all kinds) - Macedonian support is
included. The programmer Michail is from Moscow and very cooperative if you
need further support (he rewrote an entire layout for me!).

Good luck -

Per Brodersen, Ph.D. Candidate, Heinrich Heine University, Duesseldorf

Leninski Prospekt 14-49, 236000 Kaliningrad, Russian Federation
Phone 007-0112-536079

mailto:per.brodersen at berlin.de

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