[P1] self-quotes

Kim Gammelg å rd kim.gammelgaard at get2net.dk
Sun Jan 5 10:58:37 PST 2003

Hey Jack,

Since you are so eager about politics, why don't you just go to jail for a
while and then run for something. It is good to have an opinion, but only
having one and not trying to change anything by not running for office is
totally double-standards, but hey, you are very politically involved, and
you already claim a lot of politicians have double standards, so who would
doubt that you should have them too.

But this list is not for domestic American political discussions, so get on
with live, find a political discussion list for these kinds of topics
(www.topica.com probably have some), stop submitting stupid quotes of
anybody, even yourself, quotes that you are so sure that someone will flame
you for. It is an utterly ugly part of your personality that made you do so
until now, so please start controlling that part of you and stop it and
let's all get back to iBooks.



On 05/01/03 18:07, "Jack Rodgers" <jackrodgers at earthlink.net> wrote:

> ---
> I propose that all elections for public office be advanced two years so
> that anyone elected to office can serve a two year jail term for the
> crimes they are about to commit and that we will probably find hard to
> prove.
> Jack Rodgers

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