[P1] iApps

Donald Keenan dkeenan2 at nycap.rr.com
Sun Jan 5 11:33:29 PST 2003

On Sunday, January 5, 2003, at 02:25 PM, Karsten Kühn wrote:

> We use our macs in a SoHo environment. A home office is not the right 
> place to play with your holiday pictures and movies.
> It's rather a place you are dealing with  eMails, Office Documents and  
> a place you regularily print.
> As far as I can see, this last aspect, the printing, is one thing which 
> really drives Mac users mad.
> Read the discussion groups at www.apple.com and you will find dozens of 
> really frustrated and angry users, who, like me, are not able to print 
> correctly with their macs.
> So, I think, Apple has no other option than putting the money they have 
> into solving these and all the other problems rather than giving away 
> free software.
> iTunes really is no surrogate for the ability to print graphics.

Very interesting point about printing. I have yet to buy/set up a 
printer at home where I use macs. I work I print easily with an HP laser 
printer in Windows.
I assume you're suggesting that there's more than the driver issue with 

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