>Just saw the specs. of the 12 in Powerbook from Macworld: > >"New 12-inch PowerBook > >smallest ultra-portable around >smaller than iBook in every dimension >slot-loaded optical >10x7 display that's 1024 x 768 >856MHz G4 >GForce 4go >slot load combo drive (side) >BT built-in >AE ready >antennas in lid >5 hour battery life (same as iBook with G4) >4.6 pounds >boots into Mac OS X >QuickBook bundled >US$1799 > >shipping in 2 weeks >most affordable PowerBook ever. >BTO option: SuperDrive (US$1999) >starts at US$999" > > >I'm wondering, wont this kill sales of the iBook?...Perhaps at least >should drop the price of the iBook tremendously...? I read the MacCentral article http://maccentral.macworld.com/news/0301/07.keynote.php as saying that it would be $1799. It wouldn't make sense to have **$1,000** DIFFERENCE for the SuperDrive. So, the iBook will still be much cheaper. George Slusher/Eugene, OR gslusher at rio.com