I agree with everyone else -- AirPort cards and some kind of wireless base station (not necessarily Apple's) is the way to go IF you are planning to share an Internet connection. If you are not planning to share an Internet connection, then all you need to connect the two computers wirelessly is two AirPort cards (I think). In other words, the AirPort Base Station is not required ONLY to connect the two computers: File Sharing will work between two AirPort card-equipped computers WITHOUT a Base Station. And, as someone else pointed out, the price of AirPort cards dropped today to $79 each. However, I encourage you to also get some brand of base station because it really is a joy to surf or email while barbequing, lazing on the porch, babysitting in the back yard, or watching TV, especially with a broadband Internet connection. And you do not need the new Extreme AirPort station for this because regular AirPort works fine around a normal sized house. On 1/9/03 4:11 PM, "iBook List" <ibook at lists.themacintoshguy.com> wrote: > Date: Thu, 09 Jan 2003 20:57:01 +0100 > Subject: [P1] Questions about Airport > From: "Karsten WEB.DE" <karsten.kuehn at web.de> > Message-ID: <BA43929D.29E5%karsten.kuehn at web.de> > > Hello, > > I am almost sure that this topic has been dealed with dozens of times around > here. But I am new to MacOS X and to the iBook and I need some advice about > Airport. ............... > I am still figuring out wether I should opt for an ethernet connection or > for a wireless network using two airport cards. > > For the ethernet connection I would need a hub and a special cable. > For Airport I would need two cards. > > So, both options aren't cheap and I would be very unlucky if I had opted for > the wrong one. > > Kakue