[P1] Questions about Airport

W.S. Higgins higgins at adcon.fnal.gov
Fri Jan 10 12:02:49 PST 2003

Allan Hise <allan at hise.org> writes:

>Aren't all iBooks from the last year or so able to detect crossover vs.
>normal cables (or would that be hub/switch port vs NIC port?) and switch
>to the appropriate connection.
>In other words, if I recall correctly, I don't think you even need a
>crossover cable for these two machines.

Yes.  Furthermore, Ethernet is much, much cheaper than Airport for
connecting two machines together and sharing files or printers.

An Ethernet cable, regular or crossover, will cost you about six
bucks.  You don't need a hub or switch to connect just two machines.

A pair of Airport cards will cost at least $160.  Others have already
sung the advantages.

If you want to connect the machines right away, and you don't have
much money, get an Ethernet cable.

If you can afford it, go for Airport-- but spend six extra bucks on
the cable and throw it into your Ibook's carrying case.  You never
know when you might need one in your travels.

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 /__//       \                       (_) (_)                    / | \
     |       |   Bill Higgins   Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
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       -   -     Internet:                           higgins at fnal.gov
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