[P1] iPhoto library max size ?

david davidwb at spymac.com
Sun Jan 12 06:19:52 PST 2003

On 1/11/03 2:41 AM, "Peter Nacken" <caipirina at mac.com> wrote:

> Has anyone heard if there is a maximum number of photos that iPhoto can deal
> with ? I already got it filled up with over 2500 pics (after roughly 3
> months) and I sometimes think iPhoto gets mad at me ... It acts slow,
> crashes from time to time (even a regular "quit" can take 5 minutes)
> I hope that this will be fixed with iPhoto 2 but it will take a while till I
> get that one ... 
I can't believe you are using iPhoto with that many photos - even my desktop
balks at that many. I'm using a utility (can't think of the name of it, do
an iPhoto search at versiontracker.com) that lets me keep multiple libraries
and switch between them. Luckily my photos are easily broken down into
groups that don't overlap.

Since this is my off year, I have a good friend at MWSF who has been
emailing me details and photos. He said that iPhoto2 improves the interface
and interconnectivity of the iLife suite but doesn't appear to improve
speed. (Sitting at a demo machine he downloaded several large compact flash
cards.) However, that doesn't necessarily mean that the version on demo
machines is what will ship at the end of the month.

All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by frost.

davidwb at spymac.com

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