I am still using my Tangerine ibook as my all around computer and I am not running OS X. I have the maximum ram installed (288) and would suggest that you update OS 9 to 9.2.2. It is the most stable version of OS 9. With a 3 gig hard drive, the Tangerine just doesn't have the room for OS 10, but runs like a dream in OS 9. I have also done the firmware updates and use Diskwarrior and Norton Disk Doctor (forget using the other *features* of Norton) and Tech Toll Lite for maintenance. These are invaluable for when things start to crash or get weird. I also suggest that you install Mozilla as the browser. I use Green PPC, a little freeware email app, which I love for its simplicity. I run the latest version of Appleworks 6, which has eliminated all of the bugs that I found in earlier versions. If she can afford it, an airport card and basestation make life with this iBook even nicer. I drool over the new iBooks, but even when I move up, hopefully this Summer, I will keep my Tangerine for work. It has been my all day, everyday companion. It is so easy to use and sturdy and forgiving. May