[P1 ]512mg Clamshell Memory

paulatx1 at aol.com paulatx1 at aol.com
Mon Jan 13 18:33:38 PST 2003

I installed a 512 mg ram chip in my rev A clamshell iBook, and it runs quite well.  I purchased mine from MemoryX. I called to order a low profile 512 chip, and the sales girl mentioned a low power, low profile 512 mg ram chip.  It cost $179.90 (about twice the cost of the regular  low profile 512 chip.)    I ordered the low power chip, installed it,  and it runs fine.  The machine recognizes all the ram.  The battery life did not noticably decline!  And it doesn't seem to be any hotter than with the 256 chip.   I am quite happy with this purchase.
   I also had a 30 gig  harddrive installed (by www.WegenerMedia.com),  did the firmware upgrade,  and then installed  Jaguar.  It's marvelous!  Much faster than OS 9  or even OS 10.1.   I highly recommend  upgrading to Jaguar  if your harddrive is large enough.
                 Paula Rutledge

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