> And where did you find it? Sounds interesting. Will you be using X? > How big is your drive? > > Pat, ears perked up Trans International - you can find their small right side add at www.dealmac.com. 512 MB Ram was $89 I installed an IBM 40 GB GNX (5400 RPM and 8MB cache) from them ($138 I think) myself at the same time I did the memory upgrade. This was no simple task but doable if you have the right torx wrenches,very small philips screwdrivers and a pair of pliers. If you get a drive from them - check their best deals for dealmac readers. I almost got another 40GB drive for the same price that was 4200 RPM and 2 MB cache by clicking through the iBook upgrade page. With shipping 2d day air $13 it totaled about $241. Add the cost of a 6 pack for consumption after reassembly to calm your nerves down and celebrate. Good Luck Dan