[P1] Ibook forgets Dock layout

Jack Rodgers jackrodgers at earthlink.net
Sun Jan 19 16:04:49 PST 2003

On Sunday, January 19, 2003, at 12:06  PM, Peter Nacken wrote:

> It happened now twice to me that I had that nice message "you have to
> restart your machine" in 4 languages on the screen, for no apparent 
> reason,
> and when I did so, after restart, my dock looked like fresh out of the 
> box
> ...  All customized stuff gone .. Icons I trashed are back ..  I am 
> not even
> daring to ask WHY .. But ... Is there a way I can save my dock layout 
> (not
> only taking a screen shot) and re-activate it ?

The important question is what were you doing when you received the 

The next question is how much have you loaded up your Mac with 3rd 
party shareware and extensions, etc. In the past it has always been the 
last appl you downloaded from the net that caused your problem. The 
solution was to get rid of it.

The last question is whether or not you have run disk first aid, disk 
warrior, privilege fixer upper, etc. Sounds like you are in need of 
some of these.

I noticed while listening to the Capital Gang on CNN rant on pro and 
con about UM's 20 points for Blacks that not one of the CG on CNN is 
Jack Rodgers

Email: jackrodgers at earthlink.net
Web:  www.jackrodgers.com
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