Which PC based laptop is comparable to the iBook ??

Charles Martin chasm at mac.com
Sun Jan 19 22:11:09 PST 2003

> From: david <davidwb at spymac.com>
> Well, I can tell you from personal and professional experience to 
> avoid Del=
> l
> or Gateway. At the start of the school year we decided to go with 
> Gateway
> notebooks as a result of the really poor serviceability of Dell 
> notebooks
> and extricable technical support. While Gateway has bent over 
> backwards to
> solve our notebook problems, the fact remains that at no time have we 
> been
> able to field a full 25 computer mobile lab. So much for deciding to
> standardize on PCs. Meanwhile, I can=B9t say if I got a lemon or not, 
> but the
> Compaq that I was given has gone through three CD burners since the
> beginning of the year. And, the darn floppy drive gave out last week.

I'm not trying to start trouble, and I know you are probably not the 
person who decided to standardise on PC notebooks, but I have to ask:

How much money, time and effort will your lab waste before figuring out 
that for $20,000 they could have gotten a mobile lab like this 
(http://www.apple.com/education/cart/) and had a TINY fraction of the 
problems, a MUCH higher rate of dependability and probably let go 
several of their expensive IT employees, saving many times the cost?

(to say nothing of the documented and rapid improvement in the actual 
user experience of the students and teachers!)

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