[P1] How Often Does Jag need a reinstall?

Kim Gammelg å rd kim.gammelgaard at get2net.dk
Wed Jan 22 11:29:02 PST 2003

I have yet to reinstall a Jaguar installation. Mine and my family's work
very well. I had one serious disk problem using 10.1.5 when a I forgot to
unmount a key disk. Diskwarrior solved that problem for me. No problems
since then. 

Reinstallation is something converted PC users often suggest, as it the only
way to solve PC problems properly.



On 22/01/03 18:54, "Pat D. Stephens" <patdart at cox-internet.com> wrote:

> I'm using my month old iBook just as it came to me without a
> partitioned drive, but am warned that it is dangerous to do that since
> X has reputedly required a reinstall frequently.  Right now, I have
> very little on it that I would lose were that to happen, but I am
> wondering if I should partition it before using it full time.  What's
> the lists' experience here on this topic?  For what it's worth, I've
> installed X versions of PhotoElements2, Office and I believe that's
> all...and it's running just fine.
> What say you all?
> Pat

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