[P1] Dialup using callback

Jack Rodgers jackrodgers at earthlink.net
Thu Jan 23 07:55:00 PST 2003

On Thursday, January 23, 2003, at 06:02  AM, Gorjan Todorovski wrote:

> Does anybody knows how to set up dialup connection on Mac OS X? It 
> seems it is not solved out-of-the box like on Windows... :(

Here is how I set mine up:

Apple Icon:System Preferences...

Click on Network Icon.

Select New Location from popup menu. Name it Dialup or whatever. Select 
Internal Modem.

TCP/IP: Configure Using PPP.  Enter DNS Servers info and Search Domains.
PPP: as needed
Modem: Apple Internal

The most difficult part is determining that you need to use the Network 
icon. Apple's assignment of the preferences are a bit cryptic and one 
needs to click on each icon to become familiar with what it does.

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