[P1] OT: Keep Internet Explorer or MS products?

Jack Rodgers jackrodgers at earthlink.net
Sat Jan 25 15:39:36 PST 2003

On Saturday, January 25, 2003, at 04:32  PM, Brian Pearce wrote:

> It's a feature in Internet Explorer that saves complete "snapshots" of 
> the web page you're looking at to your local drive. (You can, of 
> course, later reload the "live" page from the web.) I find it 
> absolutely invaluable for stuff I want to read later, but it can easy 
> get out-of-control...I must have had about 100 scrapbook files at one 
> point.

Adobe Acrobat 5 has a download feature in which you enter the url and 
it downloads as many levels as you specify to one pdf file. You can 
scan the entire pdf later.

Lobate Black Scale -- A Photo Essay By Jack Rodgers

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