[P1] internet and email problems after waking up from sleep

Pat D. Stephens patdart at cox-internet.com
Mon Jan 27 07:48:26 PST 2003

Mine gives me a black screen unless i give it a long time to wake 
up...longer than I expect it to take.  It looks okay, but then blacks 
out if I ask for mail, for example.  So, try giving it longer to wake 

On Monday, January 27, 2003, at 08:53 AM, Richard McKay wrote:

> Does anyone else have this problem? Is it a known bug?
> When I wake my iBook up from sleep and there was a program running 
> before I
> put it to sleep, I can make an airport connection to my ISP fine 
> (dialup)
> but when I try to call up emails or a page in a browser I just get the
> spinning beachball and then after 2 minutes or so an error dialog 
> box...It
> seems that when there are no programs running when I put the Book to 
> sleep
> afterwards there is also no problem...

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