[P1] hot spots in the U.S.

Pat D. Stephens patdart at cox-internet.com
Wed Jan 29 17:44:12 PST 2003

Hey, guys, let it go!  Not fun being here and seeing puffing dragons...

On Wednesday, January 29, 2003, at 07:32 PM, Jack Rodgers wrote:

> On Wednesday, January 29, 2003, at 06:52  PM, William L Carr wrote:
>> On Tuesday, January 28, 2003, at 11:39  PM, Jack Rodgers wrote:
>>>> You could think of this as being no more illegal than parking in a 
>>>> Reserved for Customers parking lot downtown.   And less likely to 
>>>> be caught.
>>> What are your credentials for making such a statement?
>> Sigh.   :>(     What credentials do I need, Jack?   How about a 
>> fanatical adherence to the Bill Of Rights?    I've got my Voter 
>> Registration card here, want me to scan it in and email it to you?   
>> (Oh, that's right, the State of Florida doesn't respect Registration 
>> cards...(just a joke..:>)   ))

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