Dumb Question...

Charles Martin chasm at mac.com
Fri Jan 31 02:50:59 PST 2003

> From: Pat D. Stephens <patdart at cox-internet.com>
> I like to play music sometimes without putting it in iTunes, and I can
> 't seem how to make my iBook just play a CD without it going into
> iTunes...there used to be a way, but I can't find it on OSX.  Can
> anyone tell me how that's done?

Out of the box, it's not ... it's iTunes or Quicktime player or nothing.

Of course there are scads of other players for OS X that you can 
download and use. Have a look at Audion from panic.com.

To control how the system reacts when you insert an audio CD, see the 
"CDs & DVDs" system panel in Jaguar.

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