Since I have seen evidence of several knowledgeable people on this list (begin with flattery, it works every time), I have a question that is unrelated to iBooks,but is Apple related. Here's the thing: In addition to my iBook, I have a G4 computer that I keep in a stand under my computer table. I also have the Apple Pro Speakers--the ones that are ball-shaped. These connect to the G4 via Apple's proprietary mini-plug. I would like to extend the length of the speaker cable and can't seem to find a "legitimate" extender cable. Does anyone know if a cable from some other source, such as Radio Shack, would work? I know that the reason Apple went with this design is that the speakers are digital (at least until something translates the signal and moves the speaker cone in and out). I also am familiar enough with Apple products to know that sometimes they go with a proprietary solution for no other seeming reason than "because they can." Help would be appreciated. Thanks. Charles Pearce (charlesp at