[P1] new ibooks... question...

Jack Rodgers jackrodgers at earthlink.net
Wed Jul 9 08:56:36 PDT 2003

On Wednesday, July 9, 2003, at 05:45  AM, Joost van de Griek wrote:

> Here's what I did:
> - Boot up from the Mac OS 9 CD
> - Choose "Custom Install" in the Mac OS 9 Installer
> - Deselect everything except "core system"
> - Let the installer finish
> This nets you an OS 9 System Folder that is very, very lean and mean. 
> It
> won't boot your computer, most likely, but it will be enough to run 
> Classic.

Did you try opening extension manager and selecting "Apple's basic 
extension set or whatever it is called"? This disables everything but 
just that. You can re-enable the others when you boot into 9.

Watch George Bush spring into action on 9-11.  

JackRodgers at earthlink.net

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