[P1] iPhoto Help

Jack Rodgers jackrodgers at earthlink.net
Tue Jul 8 18:25:11 PDT 2003

On Wednesday, July 9, 2003, at 07:27  PM, Charles Martin wrote:

> You DON'T delete them from the library. If you do, they are GONE.

Not true in iPhoto 2. They are gone from the database but they still 
reside on your drive. Check the iPhoto Library and you will find the 
files still in there...

For instance, I just created a new iPhoto Library and added 12 
pictures. I then selected and deleted 6. Only 6 show in the Photo 
Library layout in iPhoto but all twelve still exist in the iPhoto 
Library folder under Year:Month:Day.

So, looks are deceiving. They look like they have been deleted, but 
they are still on your drive in the same folder that iPhoto placed them 
when you imported or dragged and drop them into iPhoto.

Oh, there is also a menu item in iPhoto 2  'Undo Move to Trash' that 
will move back in time and recall the deletes one series at a time.

The idea of moving them to the trash is misleading since the files 
aren't really trashed they are just removed from the browser display 
while staying on the drive where they were.

Obviously the obvious isn't always so obvious. Jack Rodgers

JackRodgers at earthlink.net

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