> From: e.mkeene <e.mkeene at wap.org> > Example 4: > Example 5: I go into a MSDonald's, a new joint venture between Microsoft and McDonald's. I purchase a burger. An employee first tests my blood to be sure that I have not been eating burgers from other restaurants. She cautions me that this burger will ONLY be eaten on Microsoft property and that I must stay there until I finish it, and must also sign a pledge never to eat at any other restaurant. The burger is delivered to me. Before I am allowed to take it to my cubicle (they don't have normal tables at this place), I must read and sign an 80-page form I do not understand, though I am alarmed by a clause I spot at the end that says that Microsoft owns anything I create, say or do during the period this burger is inside me (as it is "fueling" my actions). The clerk waves it off saying this is industry-standard jargon and everybody uses it. I take the burger back to my cubicle and unwrap it. On the inside of the wrapper is a notice that says that now that I have opened the burger, it is unreturnable. Furthermore, it says, I must report to the front counter to tell them I have eaten the burger within 15 minutes of having done so, or it will forcible eject itself from me in unpleasant ways. Finally, it informs me that this burger will taste better if I also order a MSMcShake and some MSFries. Luckily, I already did that. I eat the burger. I notice it has a funny taste. I ask the manager about it, and he informs me that MSDonald burgers contain a special chemical agent that sticks to the lining of my throat and stomach, and make burgers from all other restaurants taste revolting to me. Halfway through eating my meal, I am informed by intercom that I must report back to the front counter to receive an "upgrade." It turns out there were bugs in my food. They give me a new burger, fries and shake and disgard my half-eaten one, but charge me full price again. When I point out that there are visible insect parts in this meal too, I am told that there are FEWER bugs in this one than the last one, and probably DIFFERENT ones as well, and not to complain. Outraged, I leave the restaurant (I have to leave the food behind, by law) and head home to call my the Justice Department. They answer the phone "MS Justice, how can we help you?" _Chas_ The CPU speed wars are over. We won. http://www.apple.com/powermac/