[P1] DVD region codes?

Larry Kollar kollar at alltel.net
Thu Jul 17 16:18:26 PDT 2003

On Wednesday, July 16, 2003, at 08:53 AM, Joe Jones wrote:

> Yeah, I remember when Digital 8 came out. The reason I think that it 
> didn't catch on was that it was on the back of standard 8mm, which 
> itself competed with VHSc, the small VHS tapes.

Not to mention that 8mm tends to develop dropouts when you look at it 
funny. Imagine what a dropout will do on a digital tape, where each 
frame depends on the frame before it....

Larry Kollar    k  o  l  l  a  r  @  a  l  l  t  e  l  .  n  e  t
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