I don't mess with MS products unless I really have to. Today I had to for a little while and I remembered all over again just what my predjudice is all about. I received some paperwork that put mostly text items in a spreadsheet format so math functions could be incorporated and it provided a template to fill in the blanks where appropriate. When I opened the ss, it looked like it was on several pages. It was also too wide to be comfortable on the ibook so I then opened it on the 23" Cinema display and it was not a lot better but more useable. Today I got an update on that ss and opened it on the 23". Again it looked like it was multiple pages. This time I had to print it out because the format was just to complex to deal with a section at a time. I was completely floored to find out this complex maze occupying the entire real estate on my 23" was only one page total, at least that's all Excel would admit to. Trying to get it a bit larger and easier to read, I poked around the menus and discovered that there was about 1/4 of a page that didn't print. It took me about 30 minutes of trying various things before I was able to get it to print as a 2 page doc. No wonder everything costs so much. Someone (meaning us) has to pay for the added unproductivity of MS users. From what I saw today, it appears that Office is so chaotic that it's remarkable anybody gets the same results twice in a row. Each person using it can choose a completely different scheme to get their desired results and God help whoever is trying to duplicate it. Adobe could make a bundle by simply instituting a nominal charge for Acrobat Reader for PCs if they just printed instructions on how to get it to read MS docs the same way every time. From my limited exposures to Office, it appears to me to be totally lawless. Suppose we could get it arrested on that basis? 8? )