[P1] Diskwarrior Didn't Boot

Matthew Cave cavem at ihug.co.nz
Fri Jun 6 16:24:48 PDT 2003

On 6/7/03 8:50 AM, "Jack Rodgers" <jackrodgers at earthlink.net> wrote:

> On Friday, June 6, 2003, at 02:15  PM, Joe Sporleder wrote:
>> Anything before MacOS X is the classic operating system, I meant it in
>> the figurative sense, not the Classic environment of MacOS X. OK, if
>> you want to get frick'n technical, I booted into MacOS 9.2.2 on a
>> brand new iBook, I DID NOT launch MacOS X's classic environment.
> There is no classic operating system. Classic is the name of an
> application in OS X that emulates OS 9.
> If you want to get real technical, you don't boot a Mac, you start or
> restart a Mac. Help is still searching for the word boot...
> Boot is one of those hideous words that come over from the darkside,
> like kill instead of delete.
> Apple has always used friendly words rather than those antagonistic,
> warlike phrases from over there.
> ---
> Instead of giving rich people all that money, why not give the 'tax
> cut' funds to our military men and women and let them boost the economy
> with their purchases?
> JackRodgers at earthlink.net
> http://www.JackRodgers.com
> http://www.LobateLacScale.com

According to my source very close to the core (Apple), is that booting into
9.2.2 will cease once such technologies as Firewire 800 and Airport Extreme
are on all machines. I am in the privileged position of have both a brand
new G4 with FW800 and a brand new iBOOK 900. The iBOOK boots in 9.2.2, the
G4 doesn't and never will. This was the official / unofficial word.

Regarding Disk warrior - is you own 2.1 then upgrade to v3 - it boots in
OS10 and Alsoft don't charge the earth as other vendors do.

Just my 2 cents.

Matthew Cave
Network Manager
Mt Albert Grammar School
Mt Albert
New Zealand

+64 09 8462044 xtn 8160      phone
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