> From: "Tom R. no spam" <tr5374 at csc.albany.edu> > > No offense, but: Most users "should" leave it, or "do" leave > it ...? (Myself and enough others who have posted here being > partitioners, tho not pushing anyone else to) Most users SHOULD leave it the way Apple ships it to them. While partitioning is not particularly difficult, it's not something non-techie should feel they have to do, and it's utterly and completely unnecessary for 90% of users (statistics courtesy the top of my head). :) Unless you are working in video or want to run multiple (ie more than the two Mac file systems) OSes or have some other valid reason to separate things, you save a lot of time and effort by just leaving it alone. If you feel you need to partition and you are comfortable doing it, by all means go ahead. How nice that Apple doesn't try to "force" us one way or the other! But for typical use, partitioning is probably a waste of time. _Chas_ "Here is the thing you will learn from really using an OS X Macintosh, and must somehow accept on faith if that's what it takes to get you to Switch: Apple makes design decisions based on a sincere desire to make your life better." -- Glenn McDonald