[P1] a couple observations...

andy letterspackages at telus.net
Wed Jun 25 17:36:26 PDT 2003

david wrote:

> Someone (perhaps you) has mentioned this before. I took a look at the 
> two
> iBook labs we have and about half are a bit warped - 1/16 to 1/8 of an 
> inch.
> Mine is very small and hasn't changed in the year I've owned it. My 
> Duo was
> similarly warped - it is still in use.

I don't remember exactly, but I may have mentioned it. I do believe 
it's slowly getting
worse-- as I'm the only user of the iBook (much to my girlfriend's 
chagrin) I know
exactly what behavioral conditions it's been handled. At this point, I 
don't think it has
any real impact other than the aesthetic, yet. I'm a little concerned 
that over time
this could put excessive pressure on the screen, causing a crack in 
transport. That's
not the kind of thing I can afford to replace, unfortunately.

Re: Macscrimination-- the last figure I'd heard was that we sat at 2% 
market share.
I think this is probably an exaggeration, as its a drop from the 3.5-4% 
I'd heard a few
months ago-- we couldn't have lost so much ground, so quickly. Either 
way, I'm
still surprised to find the Canadian government doesn't support Macs on 
of their web services. Now that Safari is gold master/our default 
browser (as of Panther)
I don't know if that attitude will change, much. At least with IE, one 
could make the
argument that it wouldn't cost much more to develop Mac support with a 
platform browser.

Michael Adams wrote:

> My iBook does this too... also an 800 iceBook. Quite annoying since it 
> means that
> the central bit of the bezel along to top rubs against the mouse 
> button and has
> actually left scratches / blemishes on both. Also the sides of the 
> keys have left small
> rub marks along the left and right sides of the screen bezel.

As Micheael noted, I too find the bezel to be scratching the 
palm-rest/bottom 1/2"
of the trackpad button, as well as up top around the latch (though I 
couldn't get it to
show in the photos I'd taken.) No amount of cleaning has been able to 
clear that up--
a little disappointing, at best.

I do use both the ScreensavRz and PowerSleevz products from 
which I can't say enough good things about-- despite the (IMO) poor 
choice of product
naming schemes. They work amazingly well, and cover the entire 
area. This means, however, that I can trace the damage to the 
palmtop/bezel to the
first two weeks I had the iBook-- while I was still waiting for these 
products to arrive.

I did also suffer some minor scuffing of the outside of the lid, as 
well, though I expected
that, and think I've done my best to avoid it accelerating.

Also-- I forgot to mention yesterday that my hinge seems to be rather 
fluid-- I had
read elsewhere that there were problems here and therewith stiff 
hinges, and I could
see how such an issue could contribute to the frame binding, if one 
were to lift from
the corners to open the screen. This'd probably be more of an issue on 

>> Otherwise, as I'd said, I'm quite satisfied-- it's easily the best 
>> purchase
>> I've made in a long time. I look forward to Panther-- maybe I'll buy 
>> that RAM
>> upgrade, then.
> So how much RAM are you using now?

	128MB, stock configuration. Now and then I get the beach ball of death,
but not as often as my P4 1.4 ghz, (512 MB RAM) starts paging in and 
out of
disk... never could track down the memory leak, there-- its probably XP.

as always,
long-windedly yours,

    letterspackages at telus.net
    calgary, alberta, canada

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