[P1] I'm in a jam...

Pat D. Stephens patdart at cox-internet.com
Mon Jun 30 11:54:56 PDT 2003

I called the company I bought the computer and software from and am out 
of my jam, I hope.  Sorry to have caused bandwidth problems for you 
guys who are on digest!

On Monday, June 30, 2003, at 12:58 PM, Pat D. Stephens wrote:

> Can anyone help me?  I'm trying to backup files from my book that 
> needs to go into the shop and ordered and am trying to install 
> Retrospect 5.0 to do a complete backup on CD.  After installation, I 
> get a system bomb and it tells me to start without extensions, but 
> when I do, I get a message telling me to that it needs InterfaceLib 
> and to get an updated version.  So, I can't get it to work.  I called 
> their Tech Support and she tells me to call Apple and I can't...the 
> care plan is from another company.  Can anyone give me any hints?  I'm 
> running 9.1 on this machine.
> Pat

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