[P1] Battery Observations

Kim Gammelg å rd kim.gammelgaard at get2net.dk
Sun Mar 2 03:42:06 PST 2003

On 02/03/03 5:38, "Brian Pearce" <bpearce at cloud9.net> wrote:

> I think I've gotten reasonably long
> life from the battery that came with my Key Lime iBook, which is about
> two-and-a half years old; these days, it holds a charge of about 90
> minutes. (I suspect that some of this is due to an increase in disc
> access in OS X, but I don't spent enough time booting from OS 9 these
> days to make an accurate comparison.)

On my Graphite SE(466) I was down to less than two hours too after about 18
month, also running OSX. I try to cycle the battery properly, i.e.  Recharge
fully after my iBook complains about the lack of battery. At that point of
time, I must have done so about 5-600 times, so I decided it was the battery
and got a new from Apple, and hooray, 4+ hours in OSX again. That was about
a year ago, and now I am down to about 3 hours on the battery. For my
purposes, less than 2 hours is unacceptable, so I am pretty happy. It really
amuses me to ride the train with PC-users, as they are all entangled in
their power cords, that PC laptops demand :-)



P.S. I believe that there are specific issues regarding the 2001 iBooks, and
contacting Apple won't hurt. 

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