[P1] iBook newbie...

david davidwb at spymac.com
Tue Mar 4 10:39:52 PST 2003

On Tuesday, March 4, 2003, at 12:10  PM, Fran wrote:

> Norman Milsner wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I recently subscribed to this list after being on several of the 
>>> other LEM lists because I went out and got myself an iBook 
>>> 600MHz/20/128/CD I've had this for about 3 weeks and have already 
>>> had to reinstall OS 10.2.4 three times and used the restore software 
>>> to reinstall OS 9.2.2. This machine seems to like to freeze up alot. 
>>> One of the reintalls of OS 10  was because it would not boot back 
>>> into OS 10 after using OS 9 for about a half an hour. I am thinking 
>>> that I should invest in more RAM but am waiting until I can afford 
>>> to get the 512 DIMM. In OS 10 is there a way to allocate more memory 
>>> to a particular program like in earlier OSs?
>>> Thanks for any help,
>>> Fran
>> Sorry to hear about your problems..
>> There is no way to increase memory in OSX as it is automatic.  If you 
>> haven't done anything of importance (that you want to save), you 
>> might initialize the disk and  and reinstall your software, start 
>> with OS 9 and then OS x.  I have the same computer and have had NO 
>> problems, we went to 385 mgs ram (added 256).
>> Norm_M
>> ----------
> Thanks Norm....I appreciate the quick reply. Thanks for the info about 
> the inability to increase program memory, that in itself was a big 
> help ;-) Unfortunately, I had already moved most of my important stuff 
> from my PM7300/upgraded to G3 400 onto the iBook when I brought it 
> home...so, I've already lost most everything. Alot of it I can 
> retrieve again from the net so it's not too great a loss. BTW: can 
> deleting portions of an OS cause problems? I always download Netscape 
> and then remove Internet Explorer in order to get M$ free. Any idea 
> why they put IE into the OS?
Fran - this isn’t normal behavior for an iBook and it sounds to me as 
if you have a hardware problem. Even with stock 128mb the machine 
shouldn’t be unstable, just slow. You certainly shouldn’t remove 
anything from the System or Library folder (the library at the root 
level - where the System folder is) but you can certainly remove 
anything you want from the Application folder. (Remove, but don’t move 
- we’ll get into that later)

Here is a quick test I use to determine if I want to call AppleCare or 
spend some time looking over the machine myself. First, run DiskFirst 
Aid (boot from the OS X disk to do so) and also repair permissions. 
Restart and create a new user account. Log into that account and 
configure it for internet (or configure the printer and start up 
AppleWorks). Use the computer for a while and see if it does anything 
flaky. If so call Apple.

If not, log into the normal user account and use the computer as normal 
for a while - but avoid Classic since you have a minimal amount of 
memory. If the computer acts flaky then I’d suspect something is going 
on with your prefs or perhaps you’ve installed a program that is 
causing some trouble. Move back to the other user account and use it 
for a while. If the computer continues to be well behaved, move here 
permanently. If not, call Apple.

This is an abbreviated version of my troubleshooting style.

Good qualities are easier to destroy than bad ones, and therefore
uniformity is most easily achieved by lowering all standards.
  ~~ Bertrand Russell


Good qualities are easier to destroy than bad ones, and therefore
uniformity is most easily achieved by lowering all standards.
  ~~ Bertrand Russell


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