Cell questions

Bruce Wood bruce.b.wood at valley.net
Thu Mar 6 09:50:42 PST 2003

I have an original blueberry iBook with 10.2.4, 288 MB and often need 
to have internet/email access from locations where it's impossible to 
get access to a modular jack. I have had fair-to-poor success with an 
acoustic coupler on pay phones.

I don't currently have a cell phone, but if I could connect my iBook to 
the internet  via cell to send and receive email without too much 
hassle, I'd get one. And it has to be an iBook-cell hookup because the 
work I need to transmit is done on the computer.

My questions: 1) How tricky is it to get the iBook working via cell 
phone (for someone who has had Macs from the beginning but is still 
relatively clueless), and 2) what cell phone would be the simplest to 
use with the iBook?

Thanks. I'll hang up and listen now.

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