[P1] Fasten your Sig belts

Andrew Nye andrew at nye.tc
Wed Mar 12 23:38:05 PST 2003

Difficult, this - because, by replying, I feel I'm guilty as charged.

On Thursday, March 13, 2003, at 01:29  am, Brian Olesky wrote:

> We all complain endlessly about spam, but when you send a post that's 
> pretty
> much irrelevant to 99% of the list, isn't that close to the same thing?

I don't think so - I see this as just a bit of 'family' banter.

> By the way, I'm not talking about the OT fun stuff. I actually read and
> enjoyed the first few hundred posts in the Jack vs. Chas "Cracker" 
> wars.

I objected to this, so didn't post. It's one thing to have an amusingly 
curmudgeonly member, who is generally well informed on Mac matters, but 
I find it uncomfortable when comments become rude and personal.

I very much appreciate the list and just try not to post when I'm 
cross, only when I need an answer; can suggest a solution, or am 
tickled by something.

                         |\      _,,,---,,_
Andrew Nye              /,`.-'`'        ;-;;,_
Swindon UK             |,4-  ) )-,_..;\ (  `'-'
----------------------'---''(_/--'  `-'\_)

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