[P1] iBook hinge/screen repair

joy joyfreeman at highstream.net
Sat Mar 15 09:34:19 PST 2003

Ed Wiser wrote:
> Joy if you look under the Display's section of the Apple iBook
forum you
> will see a thread called 30 degrees screen black.

Thanks for pointing me to this thread. I'd already read a lot of
the Display section threads, but hadn't explored this one.

> I was able to purchase and repair my daughter's 500 ibook for $
> dollars. I bought the parts from Small Dog electronics. Just ask
> technical support.

I'm impressed! I've checked out their site and will contact them
for pricing.

> You can purchase the hinges and cable that will fix this
problem. The repair
> manual you mention is an other post will be all you need to fix
the problem
> as it tells you how to totally break down and iBook.

That's good to hear. I think I've found a source for a more
comprehensive service manual. The one I'd already received didn't
cover a lot of ground.

> I was able to repair the iBook and put it back in service. For
way less that
> other places selling the same cable for $170. dollars more than
what I paid
> for it.
> Otherwise you can send it in to Apple and it will cost $350
dollars to get
> it fixed.

Thanks again,

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