[P1] time for choosing

david davidwb at spymac.com
Mon Mar 17 11:29:26 PST 2003

On Monday, March 17, 2003, at 01:41  PM, Tom R. no spam wrote:

> I'm happy with my 12" 700MHz.  I could as easily have gotten a 14"
> (didn't want the tiBook, too fragile) but the size and weight of the
> 12" is just fine.  Eg, I can walk around with it in one hand and it
> runs fine, a tiBook would flex too much and mess up or so I've read
> (and tire my wrist).

I borrowed a tiBook this weekend. Musical time is upon us and I was 
recruited at the last minute to do some lighting design. I was already 
committed to putting together the program so I spent about 30 hours in 
the sound/light booth and auditorium arguing with the light board and 
director while taking photos and doing the program. The extra speed 
makes inDesign usable (it is barely acceptable on my iBook) but I agree 
with you. It is not a comfortable notebook to carry and I worried about 
the hinges the whole time I used it.

Good qualities are easier to destroy than bad ones, and therefore
uniformity is most easily achieved by lowering all standards.
  ~~ Bertrand Russell


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