[P1] need to replace HD on iBook (770MHz)

Tom R. no spam tr5374 at csc.albany.edu
Tue Mar 18 00:22:46 PST 2003

Get Disk Warrior and try to boot from its CD.  (I've used it; I've
read too much negative about Norton Utilities to sugggest that.)

Other listers may have other suggestions.

Sounds like you're already thinking of removing the HD and using
it as an external in an external case (or as an internal in someone
else's Mac laptop) and get the data off it that way, but that'd be
a last resort.  The iBooks are tricky to disassemble and work on,
some people just pay a company like www.wegenermedia.com to do it.
The tiBooks reportedly are *much* easier to replace the HD in.

For disassembly, I know of:
<http://www.kodawarisan.com/ug/PowerBook/index.html>, I think
	"Barashi" means takeapart.
<http://www.themacnut.com/> has a link to
	<http://homepage.usask.ca/~cjn339/overclock/>, but I just got
	a  "page not found" from that.
<http://homepage.mac.com/itiburon/cybergreg/iBook500HD.html> is for
	a 500MHz dual USB iceBook, and is linked various other places.
<http://uk.geocities.com/ibookupgrade>, which you found.

On Mon, 17 Mar 2003, Luna Hector-r54293 wrote:

> My wife's iBook will not boot. I can't get it to come in target disk mode or to boot off of the CD or an external firewire HD that i have.
> there is some data on it that she is desperate to retrieve. despite my admonitions about backing her data up, she hasn't done it regularly.
> the laptop is under warranty. i'm not really concerned about that, i'm pretty sure i'll get it fixed. i just don't want to send it in w/o backing up the data that's on it. I've talked to a friend of mine at the apple store and he tells me that if the tech feels that he needs to wipe the HD to reach a solution he will.
> i have a Ti550 and replaced it's 20GB HD w/ a 40GB (the powerbook was extremely easy to get to). I want to put 20GB HD i pulled from the powerbook into iBook and keep the current one, which i'll put into a firewire enclosure.
> i found this site (http://uk.geocities.com/ibookupgrade/), but i don't think it applies to my iBook. for one, i don't have the two screws he points to in the picture of the cd-rom bay. and two, i removed the screws he did indicate and the bottom showed no signs of wanting to come off.
> does anyone know of any site or doc that refers to this model. i'm no computer neophyte and regularly delve into the guts of systems w/ no fear; on desktops, i don't like getting into laptops w/o a doc to guide me.

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