[P1] OS X Help Please

Jack Rodgers jackrodgers at earthlink.net
Tue Mar 18 19:36:49 PST 2003

I think it's time to hang up all of the attempts and get serious.  
Backup your important data files and anything else you want.

When you are happy with your backup(s),  pull out your OS X install 
disks and erase the drive. There are several reasons for erasing the 
drive and the most important is to get rid of the junk software you've 
downloaded and played with and to remove all of the damage to the files 
you have caused.

Reinstall X and 9 and your trusted applications. Run software update 
and whatever updates you need. Test drive your drive. It should run 
smooth and the fastest it will until you erase and reinstall again.

When you are happy, run Disk First Aid, Disk Warrior, Permissions 
fixer, etc.

After you put everything back in perfect running order, don't mess 
around with your drive and with every piece of shareware you see.

Trust me. I've been there a dozen times and maybe a lot more. And this 
is the answer that will work, assuming that you don't have a hardware 


Simple Solutions for Simple Minds.  Jack Rodgers for President.

jackrodgers at earthlink.net

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