on the fateful day of 3/25/03 4:36 PM, in a dazzling display of literary acumen, Paul Bernhardt at pbern10 at xmission.com altered the course of history by digitally penning the words: >> Bullies? How many times has Iraq attacked us? > > Exactly and precisely Zero times, at least, if we are talking about > attacking the Mainland US, or territories, or even our soverign ships at > sea. Apparently you're not aware of how many missiles they fired at our planes before we went to war. >> How many terrorists has Iraq >> spawned? > > Unknown, but it is a near certainty that Saddam's government had > absolutely nothing to do with 9/11 and Al Quaida. Yes, they approved of > the attack, but they didn't have anything to do with it. Or at least, you can't prove it because Saddam is smart enough to run everything several levels deep. You're also assuming that there's no such thing as classified information. Honestly, do you really think that Iraq, which uses chemical & biological weapons, is *not* a haven for terrorism? Do we have to wait until we find an Anthrax bomb w/ Saddam's signature on it flying at us to do anything about it? >> On 9/11/01, Pres. Bush said he'd stop terrorists and those who >> support them. > > And, if he had the first shred of evidence that Saddam's government > supported terrorists currently, I'd be much more willing to accept our > pre-emptive action. But, the evidence is non-existant. He *IS* a terrorist! He's murdered & tortured *thousands* of his own people! Would you want to live in Iraq under his regime? If you lived there, would you want someone to come in and save you so you don't have to live in fear? Consider this: the last "election" had one name on the ballot, and Saddam got 100% of the vote. Not a single write-in. Why not? Because every single citizen of his country loves him? Yeah, right. What do you think would happen to anyone who votes against him? If you knew your neighbor was a convicted sex offender and is now molesting his children, would you call the police? What about when you notice him gazing at your children? Or would you wait until the tears are rolling down your child's face after the fact? We know Saddam's record with his own "children", and we know he hates us and would take any opportunity to kill as many Americans as possible. > If we wanted to identify the one nation with the will, desire, and > ability to strike the US with a weapon of mass destruction, it would be > North Korea. North Korea has played Bush's obsession with Iraq for huge > benefit. By the way, we are technically still in a state of war with > North Korea. The only reason we are not fighting is a well recognized > cease fire there. Agreed, but once the Iraq thing is done, I imagine a very short-term catch-your-breath time before we engage North Korea, the way things are going there. For me, what it comes down to is: 1. Pres. Bush & Tony Blair (Mr. Blair especially, given that he's pretty much doomed any reelection hopes) wouldn't do this if they didn't believe it to be in the best interests of our countries and Iraq's, and they know a whole lot more than we or the media do. 2. The only major nations opposed to us are those with illegal billion-dollar contracts w/ Saddam, and he's already said that those contracts will be void if he's removed from power. Coincedence? Yeah, right. 3. Those people have terrorists for a government. Granted, there are lots of other countries that need our help, too, and we're the only ones who are able to, if necessary, go in by ourselves to help, but we can only do so much at a time and have to pick our battles, literally. -- | Bought with a Price, -+- Dale | Mac & Palm Stuff & a cure for death: http://www.InfinityLtd.org |4U Jesus took your place so you could go to His place.