----- On 5/8/03 7:59 AM MDT (-0600), Jack Rodgers <jackrodgers at earthlink.net> wrote, in part: >Faxes aren't sent like email, although there are probably services >where you can have faxes sent and then download faxes like you download >email or ftp. > >If your Powerbook isn't connected to the phone line where the fax is >being sent, the sender gets a failure and may or may not retry later. >However, if you are away 8 hours there is a possibility the fax will >never get sent or received. If this is a bad thing, then a permanent >installed fax machine is required. eFax is one such service. It offers a free account with a non-local number. You are sent an email with the fax in a format their software can read. Not a bad deal, unless like me you have your dedicated fax line number printed on thousands of business cards, letterhead, brochures, etc. and have given it to many people. eFax also has a couple of levels of paid service, including toll-free numbers and sending capability. <http://www.efax.com> Best Regards, Harry Corsover ======================================= Harry Corsover, Independent Business Owner Amazing Travel * Health * Legal & Tax Benefits Get & Send Email by Voice! * Much More! <http://www.hc.cyberwize.com> <harry at corsazzi.com> * 877-507-9562 =======================================