[P1] Help : imovie 2 for iBook SE firewire

Leandros Nestoros nestoros at spidernet.com.cy
Mon May 19 12:14:54 PDT 2003

Thanks a lot of all the responses to my "cry of help".

I believe Kim has said it all and she is dead right on her comment.

Followed Chas advice in using Pacifist (OSX) and managed to extract only
imovie from "OSX Install disk". Worked like a swiss clock. Only imovie was

I never thought that people would be so sensitive about free software.
In any case I would not like, to start an endless discussion on subject


On 18/05/2003 14:57, "Kim GammelgÄrd" <kim.gammelgaard at get2net.dk> wrote:

> On 17/05/03 22:58, "Jack Rodgers" <jackrodgers at earthlink.net> wrote:
>> Why doesn't 3 work on the older iBook? Perhaps all that is needed to to
>> upgrade 3, the first version released really stunk. As long as she has
>> a 800x600 or larger monitor, I think it will work.
> iMovie 3 demands at least 1024*768, and just because you think it works it
> simply fails to load on any Clamshell iBook (like mine, btw). iPhoto just
> tells me that it doesn't support the screen size and then keeps working, but
> still works. 
> I have no idea why Chas is so harsh about this Apple freeware, but in this
> case Apple blew it. Offering 'upgrades' that render your iBook unusable and
> then pulling the only solution, i.e. the download of iMovie 2. The solution
> that you can just install the restore is not a good one, as a number of
> restore CD's Apple made(I haven't checked lately, but I will find one, if
> necessary for the argument), will reformat your harddrive before installing
> anything, and if you are on a 600*800 iBook, there is no built-in way to
> backup your files. Go figure.
> I should mention, however, that the Software Update doesn't even try to
> install iMovie 3 on the iBook, so at least they thought so far, but I can
> easily figure how it happens: installing iMovie three demands a lot of disk
> space, well let's throw 2.1.1 out and install 3 instead. Oh, iMovie 3
> doesn't work - bummer.
> Cheers,
> Kim 

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