More Windows Media Player Trouble

Mark Winter gooddogcomics at
Tue May 20 09:51:18 PDT 2003


Charles Martin wrote an article which appeared on his website (if you haven't gone there to check it out, you're missing out on some cool stuff) referring to the difference between the Mac and Windows by contrasting the Keynote styles of Jobs and Gates and/or Balmer (sp).

When I followed the links I found I was unable to completely play the webcast on the free Media Player for OS X I had just downloaded: I was missing audio.  The picture worked, but no sound.

I copied the file into my Virtual PC XP, but it wouldn't read the file at all when I started up the Windows native Media Player.

Can anyone suggest any possible solutions?  I'm dying to see Gates after having seen Jobs for the first time introducing the Music Store.

I get the digest, so if you need a fast response or have any hot tips to relieve my pent-up desire to see BG, please feel free to email to 

gooddogcomics at

mwinter at




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