Missing in Mac vs PC arguments

Jack Rodgers jackrodgers at earthlink.net
Wed Nov 5 06:07:26 PST 2003

My one paragraph mention of the new 17" windows laptops devolved into 
the usual Mac is superior and windows stinks replies (none of which 
were mine).

I have been thinking about this and one thing that is clear is the 
narrowness of the point of view with very few diehard Mac users 
indicating they have any knowledge (some do) of what goes on in the 
corporate environment and how more advanced and complicated some of the 
corporate techniques and hardware are. For instance, how many mac users 
have a CD or tape carousel consisting of thousands of archived CDs or 
tapes that they can access remotely? Or run an email server for 5000 
employees? Or have 100 server racks? Or deal in 1,000,000,000,000 byte 
databases? Or have to protect a $20 Billion dollar company's data 
assets from thieves?

Somebody might add more insights on hardware needs...

Apple computer has never shown much interest in these areas and after 
almost 30 years in business finally delivers the X-Serve. But Apple 
does deliver excellent hardware for the individual to use but not for 
the needs of a big corporation. I'm really not qualified to expand on 
that idea but I do see it in place.

It might be interesting to find out what computers and software Apple 
uses for its own business needs. Does it do all of its accounting in 
Filemaker? Are there any windows pcs or networking devices anywhere in 
the Apple organization?

Trees are being sucked dry of life in South Florida by a tiny insect.

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